Volume 5, Unit 2
As children of God, called out of darkness into His marvelous light, we give back proportionately that energy we receive from God. The light of the Gospel does not pass through us as we embrace truth, but it is absorbed and reflected back for all to see. Our reflection, the effect of the influence of the Spirit of God’s indwelling, trails us just as the Apostles’ shadows did in the Book of Acts, and is evidenced by all those we encounter as it brings healing and leads them to Christ.
What’s Inside:
- Lesson 1, In My Circle of Influence
- Lesson 2, In My Manner of Speech
- Lesson 3, In My Demonstration of Love
- Lesson 4, In My Capacity to Forgive
- Lesson 5, In My Witness of the Gospel
- Lesson 6, In My Execution of Duty