The National Fellowship Churches of God, Inc. (NFCOG) is ordained and established by God as a parent body for Bible-based churches of all denominations, seeking a Spirit filled covering. As a 501(c)(3) public charitable non-profit organization, NFCOG is organized for religious, educational and charitable purposes with its General Assembly located in Jacksonville, FL and mission churches in Baltimore, MD and Hoboken, GA, as well as, covenant churches throughout the United States.

As an organization, NFCOG is totally supported by benevolent gifts, talents, resources, and ministries, etc. from its member and partner relationships. Likewise NFCOG resources, which may include, but are not limited to, gifts, talents, resources, and ministries benefit its Covenant Churches and helps establish new churches to further build the Kingdom of God.

NFCOG’s Chief Apostle provides Bible-based spiritual guidance, visitations, preaching, teaching, and sharing of resources for its members without partiality and/or breach of confidentiality. All such instruction is Bible based and in accordance with God’s Word.

Covenant Relationships

Churches who embrace the same biblical doctrine and practices as NFCOG, are welcome to make inquiry about our Covenant Relationships and seek Membership. Contact us to learn more.

Our Beliefs

We are the Nation of NFCOG,
Established by God to walk in righteousness and true holiness.
We are committed to seeking God’s perfect will for the direction of our lives;
Fasting and praying, with all supplication, for the resolution of life’s issues;
Studying the Word of God to be biblically sound and equipped to witness;
Leading the lost and unsaved to Christ;
And living a sanctified life that fully demonstrates the love of God.

I believe in God, the Father Almighty,
the Maker of heaven and earth,
and in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord:

Who was conceived by the Holy Spirit,
born of the virgin Mary,
suffered under Pontius Pilate,
was crucified, died, and buried;

He descended into hell.
The third day He arose again from the dead;

He ascended into heaven,
and sits at the right hand of God the Father Almighty;
from there he shall come to judge the quick and the dead.

I believe in the Holy Spirit;
the holy catholic church;
the communion of saints;
the forgiveness of sins;
the resurrection of the body;
and the life everlasting.


Our Symbols


The book represents the Word of God, the Bible. The open book represents truth and God’s divine revelation, while the bookmark is symbolic of our holding the standard of holiness as commanded by God.


The dove is a symbol of the Holy Spirit. It is taken from the account of Jesus’ baptism, where the Spirit descended on him in the form of a dove. It is a symbol of peace. The ascending dove represents NFCOG’s flight out of ashes into an organization founded upon Bible- based doctrine and rising to God with excellence.

Olive Branch

The olive branch is a symbol of peace. In the account of the Great Flood, a dove returned to Noah with an olive branch letting him know that the flood waters had abated, and that God’s judgment was over. It characterizes the promises of God. The olive tree produced great quantities of oil, itself a symbol of the Holy Spirit and His anointing, as well as of consecration to the Lord.

Seven-fold Flame

The seven-fold flame represents the seven gifts of the Spirit – wisdom, understanding, counsel, might, knowledge, fear of the Lord, and delight in the Lord. The red flame symbolizes NFCOG’s founding scripture, Zechariah 4:6, that speaks to the power of God.

Our Leaders

Our Heritage

The National Fellowship Churches of God, Inc. has a rich heritage that began with the outpouring of the Holy Ghost on the day of Pentecost, and ignited at the Azusa Street Revival in 1906.

Our forefathers established the Apostolic Faith body in 1938 from which we are an outgrowth. We celebrate their labor of love in the ministry under the spiritual guidance of such great leaders as Bishop William J. Seymour, of the Apostolic Faith Mission, Los Angeles, CA; Bishop Charles W. Lowe, of the Apostolic Faith Church, Handsom, VA; Presiding Bishop R. C. Grant, of The Apostolic Faith Church of God, Inc., Baltimore, MD together with Vice-Bishop C. R. Whitley, of Rocky Mount, NC. Subsequent Bishops include Bishop G. B. White, of Washington, DC and Bishop George Parks, of Franklin, VA.

In 1978, the movement experienced the birth of a new outgrowth, The Apostolic Faith Churches of God under the leadership of Presiding Bishop Lois C. Grant, of Baltimore, MD (son of the late Bishop R. C. Grant) and Vice-Bishop Abraham Urquhart, of Philadelphia, PA. At the passing of Bishop L. C. Grant, Bishop Steven D. Willis, of Franklin, VA headed the movement; with then Elder Ivan L. Grant, Sr. serving as Overseer.

In 1996, The Apostolic Faith Churches of God started to diminish. Yet from the ashes we survived. Survival is not mere existence for The National Fellowship Churches of God, Inc. (NFCOG); it’s a new heartthrob or spiritual cardiac massage to new life.

At the direction of God in 1996, NFCOG was birthed with its Covenant Churches that rose from the ashes. We are thankful to God for our spiritual heritage and God’s divine appointment of our Chief Apostle Ivan L. Grant, Sr In 1998. Apostle Grant, being led of God, consecrated NFCOG’s 1st Vice-Bishop — Former Bishop Ronald E. Riley, Sr. of Bridgeport, CT who served until 2006. 2012 marked the consecration of Bishop Forrest R. Nance, Jr., of King George, VA to the office of Vice-Bishop.

God has sanctioned His work by declaring us a nation — the Nation of NFCOG. We are thankful for our spiritual heritage. To God be the glory!