Prepared for the BATTLE!


Prepared for the BATTLE!

SKU SFV2U3 Category


Volume 2, Unit 3

Strategic planning for military maneuvers are often so high-level and complex that the average unit or individual can only be apprised of a small piece of the battle plan (big picture). The Commander In Chief knows far more than he is able to disclose yet makes decisions that must be carried out to the letter if the waged war is to be won. This truth applies on the spiritual level as well. The total of the war between God and Satan is beyond human comprehension, yet as Christians enlisted by Christ to fight in the trenches, it is important that we undergo some basic training. This series of lessons are intended to shed some light on the Christian warfare so we can be prepared for the battle.

What’s Inside:

  • Understanding the Cause
  • Christian Basic Training
  • Surrender — NOT an Option
  • Unbelievable Battle Plans
  • Where is the Enemy Lurking?
  • War Crimes & Friendly Fire
Cover Photo: Adriana Herbut, Poland