Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, for asmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord
1 Corinthians 15:58
There is a misconception in the church community that the “work of the Lord” consists of doing a myriad of church activities We are familiar with the drill; singing on the choir, working on any and all committees, auxiliaries, boards, and such like. Nothing could be further from the truth. “Working for the Lord” is directly related to winning souls to Christ and building the kingdom of God.
It must be understood why Apostle Paul closed the first letter to the Corinthians with a strong exhortation for the saints to be consistent in what they were doing. Paul uses descriptive imagery detailing the great transformation of the saints from “corruption to incorruption and mortal to immortality.” He even declares the victor’s shout over death, hell, and the grave. This can’t be a mere jubilation over the completion of church activities. No, Paul triumphantly heralds in order to receive a “crown of life” the saints must live holy and have done the will of the Lord on a consistent basis.
Notice the language Paul uses in his appeal. He tells the saints to be “steadfast.” In order to live holy and win souls to Christ by example or through personal witness, one must be seated, settled, and firmly rooted in the truth. In doing so, nothing can shake or move (trials, tribulations, adversities) an individual from the hope of the Gospel. Lastly, there is an admonition to abound (stay, abide) in the work of the Lord. The saints must be persistent and consistent to receive eternal life.