The Presiding Prelate
Biography: Apostle Ivan L. Grant Sr., D.D.
“But I certify you, brethren, that the gospel which was preached of me is not after man. For I neither received it of man, neither was I taught it, but by the revelation of Jesus Christ.”
Galatians 1:11,12
Apostle Ivan Louis Grant, Sr. is the youngest son of the late Bishop Lois Cleveland Grant and Mother Cleo Mae Grant, and grandson of the late Bishop Rossie Cleveland Grant. He is the beloved husband of one wife; the faithful father of two children who are actively engaged in the work of the church together with a devoted spouse and precious grandchildren. Through the years he has gained the love and respect of more than a dozen godchildren; and a host of sons and daughters in the gospel.
After graduating from Mervo-Tech High School, Apostle Grant matriculated to Morgan State College (now MSU) and later transferred to Loyola College where he majored in Accounting. He also studied at the Moody Bible Institute of Chicago, Illinois. He excelled in courses in public speaking and human relations through studies with Dale-Carnegie Associates. Although his work experience has been vast, he counts it all lost for the sake of the furtherance of the gospel.
Apostle Grant’s stewardship began in 1964, with faithful service to God as he served as church trustee, mass choir director and church musician, usher, Sunday School Superintendent, and Minister. He was qualified and Ordained Elder in 1982 by the Apostolic Faith Churches of God, Inc. (AFCOG); and in 1983, appointed Assistant Pastor by his Pastor, Bishop L. C. Grant. His excellence to God’s sacred service, coupled with his humility and spiritual demeanor, helped anchor the church during the prolonged period of illness and the subsequent home going of Bishop L. C. Grant in 1989. Being chosen by God as successor to shepherd His flock, duly ratified and sanctioned by the church body, he was officially installed as Pastor of the former Trinity Apostolic Faith Holiness Church, Inc. (Baltimore MD) on Sunday, March 05, 1989. While he served as Pastor, the Lord continued to elevate him spiritually, gifting him with a five-fold ministry, and a vision to found the National Fellowship Churches.
In 1994 after separation from the AFCOG body, with much patience, prayer, and service as he waited for God to reveal His perfect timing, he was charged to found the National Fellowship Churches of God (NFCOG). In 1996, NFCOG was established and he was unanimously selected by its member Pastors to be consecrated as their Presiding Bishop. Thus on August 9, 1997 he was officially consecrated to the sacred office of Bishop and Presiding Prelate with the late Senior Bishop Abraham Urquhart, D.D. of Philadelphia, PA officiating. In 1998 the Counsel of Apostles, led by Apostles Hunter and Skinner of NC, consecrated him to the sacred office of Apostle.
As Apostle Grant maintained an exemplary standard of holiness, his service to the Baltimore congregation as its Pastor continued wholeheartedly for nearly seventeen (17) years until the Holy Ghost released him of the charge to Pastor on January 1, 2006 for full-time service executing his God-given office as an Apostle. Responding immediately to this charge from God, and the Lord’s directive to establish the NFCOG General Assembly (New Beginning Apostolic Faith Church of God, Inc.) in Jacksonville, FL, he and his immediate family relocated to FL where the headquarters church has been planted and its Pastor, Elder Ivan Grant, Jr., installed.
Gifted by God to perform the work of an Apostle, he has been given audience to minister to Pastors of multiple denominations, varied ethnicities, which include all ages and genders throughout the nation. His quest to bring excellence to God spawned the development of a wealth of teaching resources to benefit God’s people. The vision he implemented for NFCOG is great, and its kingdom building energies are relentless as it serves as the parent body uniting and establishing Bible-based churches. In 2009, the Board of Regents of Saint Thomas Christian College & Theological Seminary determined that he satisfactorily completed the required course of study appropriate and conferred upon him the distinction, both degree and title, of Honorary Doctor of Divinity. In 2011 he was duly ordained and consecrated to the office of Pre-Lay of the Melchizedek Apostolic Council of St. Louis, Missouri.
Apostle Grant has proven to be a man that believes in striving for excellence and perfection through Jesus Christ. His holding to the biblical principles of Christ that cannot be negotiated has earned him the reputation of being stern and even caused some to walk away from him. He is truly a visionary walking in the path mandated by God and continuing the heritage of his fathers. We embrace the vision that the Lord has given him. Looking forward to his continued leadership, we believe that he is God’s man for this day and time.